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The digital Pathways on the internet and at The United Societies wants to provide

convenience combined with superb service and outstanding reliability of delivery!!! The

commoditized and unique products and services online in 2017 are growing exponentially on

the web and it is the understanding that the consumers will be the big winners of this growth.

The two digital pathways I want to focus on currently is benevolent and financial, totally

different from one another. One thing both have in common though is what most people

find themselves considering when using or investing their money.


Benevolence is the inclination or tendency to help or do good to others; charity, and financial

is the finances (money) or financial situation of an organization or individual. What we do with

our money seems to be just as important as how we make our money. Finding a place where

charity and financial tools co-exist is a digital network pathway that is starting to develop very

well on today’s internet. Social consciousness investing is nothing new however the internet

is taking it to the next level and charitable awareness is developing its own internet model!!


One thing, in particular, is how long established charities like the World Food Program

( The largest food program on the planet feeding more people than all the

combined humanitarian food assistance organizations is on Facebook and letting it’s

presence be known on social media. Or how about Jim Cramer’s investing club (Click Here) and it’s

social conscious investing membership and model which is changing traditional financial services.

The idea of how we see our money and how to use or develop it is becoming the wave of future

online associations.  Online banking and insurance are becoming more common today than they

were just  three (3) years ago with new services and products.


Whether one is donating to their favorite charity or using the latest tools to invest their money,

the digital network pathways are revolutionizing the way the world is using the internet

communications medium and getting the most out of it. The United Societies is an online

virtual benefit society where theses ideas are being fostered, so in searching the internet

stop by to see if it can assist you and help you find what you’re looking for!!!

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Follow Dale K. Greene:

Founder & Chief Representative of The United Societies.