The Society & Center For World Advancement
The purpose of The Society For World Advancement is for human advancement in all Worlds of humankind on earth and localized
democratically. The world advancement society is focused on five (5) distinct areas of internet based interest. These focus of interest are
1) Humanitarianism, 2) Think Tank and Laboratory Research, 3) Progressive Secondary and Post Secondary Education, 4) Innovative
Advanced Technologies and 5) Advanced Economic and Financial Development.
The Society For World Advancement although internet based does foresee a world brick and mortar headquarters center with several
regional and local centers. The Center For World Advancement is set to be made up of the headquarters and five (5) centers comprising
the five (5) areas of interest mentioned earlier.
The Society & Center For World Advancement
As the first society of The United Societies, The Society For World Advancement is primarily focused human advancement, unlike
its sister society, The Society for World peace, which is focused on natural peace. The society looks forward to flourishing in
democratic nations which seem to be naturally adapted to human affairs and progress of all kinds. These democratic nations will
contribute to the national and international efforts to bring the people of earth into the twenty-first (21st) century as well as promote
sustainability of the human resource globally.
The Society & Center For World Advancement
In the organizational chart above one can get a complete concept of what the society, as a benevolent benefit organization, is laser
focused on and which part of the organization focuses on each concern. The organization is identical to its sister society, The Society
For World Peace, although the advancement society is a complete sphere of human progress, ie… Advanced Technology and
Economics. Human advancement with an internet based society and a brick and mortar organization can and will accelerate and
flourish unimaginably in this century, especially in the quantum reality realm, which is changing the way we live and communicate at
light speed.
The Society & Center For World Advancement
The Society For World Advancement has been in the making for the last Forty (40) years and with the creation of the internet and social
media has begun to be a reality which time has come. Even though one person can’t solve all the problems of the world, especially in the
average lifetime of a person, it is my conviction that humankind can do so much more and make sure the survival of humanity is intact.